Russian noise clowns Tea Man With Tea Gum were born in19#@
in Spb, Russia , and were awarded the Order of the British
Empire by their personal friend Milovan Srdenovic of Smell
and Quim, as thanks for their services as prima donnas,
cultural diplomats, and for their work with the MI-6 of
England. Although they ended their active circus career
in 1987, they have been keeping active by giving collaboration
records with Paul Harrison and Candy Nook (as bluesy scummy
christmass dwarves), Hermit (Russian- Canadian-France Beards
Noise Tour), british opera prima-donna Emily Barlaston (Tea
Man With Tea Hen), Smell &Quim (How to drown dr. Srdenovic),
USA Ph. D. Madison Morrison (now in Taiwan, Oklahoma Symphony)
- and lots more including own books and records. They are
also the founders of the Pig Stealing Swingers Milovan Srdenovic
Appreciation Society and Monopolka Books and Tapes .
Recently they were honoured to be allowed to sing in the
presence of their Their Graces the Cunt and Countess of
Almelo, and sang in a series of concerts with the Dutch
WC-harmony male quartet K.Kong and More Dumber.
Man With Tea Gum was made by shallow clowns. That is the
reason why do they sing "now i wanna to sniff some
clue" while creating their utter havoc using kids toys
and likeable painted amplified piece of junk. Thats why
they are loud. Thats why they use daisys to plug the spare
holes of mixing table"
Tea Man With Tea Gum and K.Kong 'n more Dumber press release